We are always committed to safety working environments

ACHROW ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES LIMITED is committed to conducting its operations with every effort to protect the health and safety of employees, customers, sub-contractors and the community at large.


  1. The Company undertakes the responsibility to:-
  • Provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions while meeting all local statutory requirements.
  • Provide training and instruction to enable employees to perform their work safely and efficiently.
  • Provide necessary training to enable employees to provide emergency care if required
  • Provide needed protective clothing and devices and to supervise their use
  • Create an atmosphere of safety consciousness or awareness amongst all employees
  • Ensure that Sub-contractors are also protected
  • Ensure that all employees and sub-contactors fully understand and appreciate the point that accidents are preventable


  1. Employees have a duty to co-operate in the implementation of this statement by:-
  • Working safely and efficiently at all times.
  • Adhering to company procedures by using the protective equipment provided
  • Reporting incidents that have led or may lead to injury or damage to property
  • Assisting in the investigation of accidents with the objective of introducing measures to prevent their re-occurrence

Supervisors are responsible for maintaining safe and healthy working conditions within the framework of the safety Guidelines.

The Company’s Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed as circumstances and conditions dictate.

Permit to work: No work is to be done on site without proper permit.

All employees are to be reminded of the following prohibitions on site:

  • No smoking
  • No alcohol
  • No drugs
  • No games

Anyone compromising site safety will be subject to severe disciplinary action, which may include immediate dismissal.

In the event of any accident or injury, a report is to be submitted to the client


  • General
    • Eye Protection

Employees/contractors are required to wear eye protection i.e. safety glasses, face shields, welding goggles etc. wherever danger of injuries to the eye is likely. It is the responsibility of the supervisor/individual to ensure that correct eye protection is worn at all times and to obtain replacement immediately in the event of loss

  • Footwear

The wearing of safety footwear is mandatory in all workshops. Every employee at a workshop or site must be provided with safety footwear at all times and to obtain immediate replacement in the event of a loss.

  • Hearing Protection

Ear protection should be used in areas of high noise concentration. Noise levels exceeding 85db are considered hazardous.

  • Breathing apparatus/nose masks must be used when necessary

Respirators should be used when there is a danger of breathing gases, vapours, fibre glasses or dust that may cause breathing problems

  • Hard Hats

The wearing of hard hats is mandatory in hard hat areas. It is the responsibility of the supervisor/individual to ensure that it is worn in such areas at all times and to obtain immediate replacement in the event of loss.

  • Gloves

Suitable gloves must be worn when there is the danger of cuts, abrasion, hot and cold burns, or chemical burns to the hands and arms. It is the responsibility of the individual to wear the appropriate gloves where required and to obtain immediate replacement in the event of loss or damage

  • Electrical Safety:

Studies have shown that most electrical accidents are caused by one or more of the following

  • Failure to isolate properly
  • Faulty connection of equipment
  • Use of faulty equipment
  • Poor maintenance of equipment and repairs undertaken by untrained personnel
  • Failure to connect


  • Hand-Powered Tools
  • Do not improvise:- always use the correct tools for the job.
  • Keep all tools in good and serviceable condition
  • Repair or replace defective tools.
  • Use tools properly – do not take shortcuts when using tools
  • Do not hang cables or hoses over nails, bolts or sharp edges that may damage them
  • Keeps cables and hoses away from oily, chemical or hot surfaces to prevent damage
  • Do not suspend cables and hoses over aisles where they may become tripping hazards.
  • Avoid dangerous environments.
  • Do not use electrical tools in wet or inflammable environment
  • Disconnect pneumatic tools when not in use or unattended
  • Always remember to de-pressurize air linens before disconnecting the hose line.
  • Know your tools: read and understand the operations manual carefully. Also learn the safety precautions
  • Never leave any tool in an overhead place where it might fall
  • Avoid unintentional start-ups. For example, do not carry connected tools with your finger or the starting switch control
  • Ladder Safety
    • Before using a ladder, inspect it for defects, if found defective, tag or mark it so that it will be repaired or destroyed. Report all defects to your supervisor.
    • Use a safer gradient when placing a ladder against a wall
    • Use the recommended gradient of four-to-one so that its feet are one foot towards what is locked, blocked or guarded by some one
    • Never place a ladder in front of a door that opens towards it unless the door is locked, blocked or guarded by someone
    • Place the ladder’s feet on a substantial and level base not on movable objects
    • Never place a ladder against unsafe backing such as loose boxes or barrels
    • Hold on with both hands when going up or down. When handling material, raise or lower them with a rope
    • Always face the ladder when going up or down. Never slide down a ladder
    • Be sure your shoes are not greasy, muddy or slippery before you climb higher than the third rung from the tip of straight or extension stepladders or the second tread from the top of a stepladder
    • Metal ladders must never be used around electrical circuits or where they may come in contact with such circuits.
    • Keep ladders clean and free from grease and mud.


(e) Use of Scaffolding:

Any temporary elevated platform and its supporting structure used for

Supporting workmen of materials or both is considered to be a scaffold.

The construction, alteration relocation and dismantling of scaffolds

Must be done under the supervision of a competent person in accordance

With the following guidelines:


  • Scaffolding must be capable of supporting without failure at least four times the maximum intended load.
  • The footing or anchorage for scaffolds must be rigid and capable of carrying the maximum intended load without settling of displacement.
  • The platform must be tightly planked the full width except for the necessary entrance.
  • Scaffold boards and poles must not be used for any other purpose.
  • Scaffold planks shall be extended over their support not less than 15cm or more than 30cm.
  • Where it becomes necessary to overlap planks they should overlap by at least 30cm and be secured from movement.
  • Each scaffold board should be inspected before it is used.
  • An access ladder shall be provided. Access ladders should be secured to the structure to prevent slippage.
  • All scaffolding must be secured to a structure at intervals not to exceed 8m horizontally and 7.5m vertically.
  • Materials being hoisted onto a scaffold shall have a tug line/guide rope.
  • Hard hats shall be worn by workers on scaffolding exposed to overhead hazards.
  • Tools, equipment and materials must not be allowed to accumulate on scaffolding. Slippery conditions must be eliminated as soon as they occur.
  • Scaffold must be fully completed before personnel other than the constructors are allowed to use it.


(f) Crane and Hoist Safety:

  • Standard signals should be thoroughly understood by both operator and signalmen.
  • People working with or near a crane should keep clear of suspended loads. They should be alert and they must watch closely.
  • Hoist chain or rope must be free of kinks and must not be wrapped around the load. Loads must be attached to the block hook by means of sling or other approved device. The sling must be the appropriate size for weight and rigging of the load.
  • Never hoist anything apart from goods and equipment. In particular never hoist fellow employees or other workers.
  • The operator must not leave his position at the controls while a load is suspended.
  • The hook should be brought over the load slowly to prevent swinging. During hoisting there should be no sudden acceleration or deceleration of the load.
  • Tug/guide must be sued when moving large loads.
  • When hoisting a heavy object such as underground tank, into an excavation people should not stand in the excavation to receive or position the object.
  • Only one person is to be the signalman for the Crane, Operator.
  • No crane should be loaded beyond its rated capacity. The weight of auxiliary handling devices-hooks, wire rope, slings etc. should be considered part of the load. Legible rating chart must be fixed to the crane cab where the operator can refer to them easily.